There’s no perfect mate out there. We all are fallible and we err in many ways. However, there are signs that would clearly make you tell the difference between a good man and one who is not.
- He won’t break his promises and shirk his commitments.
There are men break commitments with such ease as breaking banana, and they aren’t one bit sorry about it! They believe they don’t owe you. That is disrespectful. A good man won’t do that to the woman he loves. Don’t buy that excuse of a lie that he has a commitment problem, he’s been supporting Arsenal for the past 20 years now and they’ve not won the league in the last ten! He doesn’t have a commitment problem, sis. He is just unwilling to strap up his boot strings.
- He won’t use threats to get what he wants.
Threats produce fear. A good guy won’t create fear in you verbally or emotionally. That is abuse. If he always needs to threaten, warn you about consequences, intimidate you to get you to do what he wants, you are in an abusive relationship. And that is not good.
- He is not rude and crude about his lady’s feelings.
If you complain or as much as make a disapproving remark about a habit, a quip, or a comment, he makes an effort to take care of it. The change may not be immediate, but his effort will be obvious. He loves and respects you that much.
- He won’t take you for granted.
Overfamiliarity many times makes you appreciate someone less.
That he has been with you for a while will not make him treat you less than you deserve. In fact, he treats you like he is still wooing you. He makes an effort to affirm you consistently even for such good deeds that have become habitual. He respects your originality.
- He won’t belittle you in private or public.
A good man is proud of the woman he loves. And so he pours and shower compliments on her both in private and in public. He won’t ignore or neglect her in public just because his friends are around. She is his first buddy. You feature, at least, half the time he has conversations with the boys.
- He won’t blame you for all the problems in the relationship.
You are the cause for every quarrel or fight. You are the reason he shouts at you. You are the reason he doesn’t treat you right. You are responsible for rain not falling. You are responsible for the sun not shining. You are responsible for everything not right. Come on! That’s not a good guy. Walk away.
- He won’t feel comfortable borrowing from you.
A good man schemes and devises ways to give and be a blessing. He is not always looking for opportunities to collect and borrow. Yes, there would be times he would need to swallow his pride and receive but you would know such situations are not so thrilling and exciting for him.
- He won’t kill your (legit) dreams and aspirations.
A good man will inspire a woman he loves to be the best she can be. He will not only support you, but his pursuit of greatness and his ambitions will also rub off on you and cause you to aim higher and be better.
- He won’t leave you guessing
Maybe he got your message and he’s too busy to respond. Maybe he is just catching trips leaving you hanging. Maybe your message wasn’t clear enough…maybe your message was too harsh…maybe you should resend…maybe you should call…maybe he doesn’t know what to say…maybe he is no longer sure…maybe he’s decided you’re a nuisance, not worth responding to…maybe you should wait…maybe you should call (if you don’t ask, you’ll never know)…maybe he is not decided…maybe you should just let things be…
Come on! He won’t put you through all that! It is disrespectful. This silence is not golden. This silence is deafening!
A good man won’t keep a woman he loves hanging or guessing.
I have listed nine, but I have a bonus down below. So, I’m adding No. 10. This is because you should feel cherished and valued in a healthy relationship. If you constantly have to question if he loves you or not, it’s a pointer that something isn’t right. So, here’s my bonus:
- A good man won’t cheat on you.
It’s that simple, he won’t cheat on you. No excuse is good enough for being unfaithful.
See you on the winning side.